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Library Advisory Committee



WVLS Library Advisory Committee

The WVLS Library Advisory Committee (LAC) is comprised of representatives from libraries of all types within the WVLS borders. The Committee advises the WVLS staff and Board of Trustees on promotion and implementation of collaborative programs and services and on communication among all libraries and entities in within WVLS borders.

LAC Purpose

1. To encourage the most effective use of the resources & services of the area.
2. To foster the improvement of existing library service activities & communication procedures.
3. To provide a basis for discovering new areas of cooperation.
4. To initiate new services and joint programs as needed and/or desired.

LAC Membership

There are fifteen (15) representatives from libraries within WVLS borders.

  • 4 large public libraries, permanent positions.
  • 6 small public libraries, Rotating 2 year appointments.
  • 1 academic or technical library, Rotating 2 year appointment.
  • 4 school or special libraries, Rotating 2 year appointments.

Meeting Agendas & Materials

April 10, 2025

NEW! We are using a new method for sharing LAC meeting meeting documents. Follow this link to view or download April 10, 2025 meeting materials.

[Link coming soon]

Parking/Directions: The Marathon County Public Library, Lower Library Lot (lot 7) or the Jefferson St. Ramp (ramp 2). The lots and ramp use pay stations or a pass parking app.  The first two hours are free. Upon entering MCPL-Wausau, use the elevator to the lower level to access the WVLS office.


August 15, 2024


Parking/Directions: The Marathon County Public Library, Lower Library Lot (lot 7) or the Jefferson St. Ramp (ramp 2). The lots and ramp use pay stations or a pass parking app.  The first two hours are free. Upon entering MCPL-Wausau, use the elevator to the lower level to access the WVLS office.

April 25, 2024


Parking/Directions: The Marathon County Public Library, Lower Library Lot (lot 7) or the Jefferson St. Ramp (ramp 2). The lots and ramp use pay stations or a pass parking app.  The first two hours are free. Upon entering MCPL-Wausau, use the elevator to the lower level to access the WVLS office.








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