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V-Cat Bibliographic / Interface Committee

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Meeting Materials

July 28, 2020
February 19, 2020
October 24, 2019
February 14, 2019
December 4, 2018
May 24, 2018

Committee Purpose

Address concerns or projects related to creation and maintenance of bibliographic records and discoverability of library materials and information. Determine standards for V-Cat bibliographic records.

Meets 5-7 times per year. Usually in March, May, July or August, October, and December or January.

Committee Members

Chris Luebbe, MCPL, Chair
James Bauer, MCPL
Cheryle Miller, Rhinelander
Elizabeth Simek, Antigo
Emily Mueller, Medford
Faith Martinson, Merrill
Cindy Wendt, Minocqua
Rachel Metzler, WVLS


V-Cat library staff most actively involved in creating or maintaining bibliographic records, including two representatives from the resource library and the V-Cat Database Support Specialist.

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