Site Map
Trustee Resources
Dear Trustee,
The role of a public library trustee can be exciting, challenging, and rewarding, but it also requires effort. Trustees have obtained this position because the elected officials of their municipality believe they have the ability and dedication to contribute positively to the management of the public library—one of the most accessible and beneficial institutions in a community.
(WI DPI, Trustee Essentials 2025, Introduction)
New Trustee Orientation Information
WVLS Area Trustees Orientation Materials
WVLS Agreements
For specific agreements, please see Library Administration – WVLS County Library Plans/Member Participation Agreements.
WVLS Planning and Policy Documents
For specific planning or policy documents, see About WVLS
For V-Cat and technology budget resources, see Budget Resources
Division for Libraries & Technology (DLT) Resources
- Division for Libraries and Technology (DLT) website
- Administrative Essentials
- This handbook will provide you with some of the essential information that you need to succeed in your position as a public library director in Wisconsin.
- Administrative Essentials AE 17: Membership in the Library System DPI website
- Wisconsin Public Library Standards
- Wisconsin Libraries Blog – WI Libraries for Everyone
- Wisconsin Public Library Communications
Professional Associations
Wisconsin Library Trustees & Friends
- A division of the Wisconsin Library Association.
- Wisconsin Library Trustees & Friends Mission: “To foster improved abilities on the part of library trustees, Friends & advocates, in order to create better libraries and library services in Wisconsin.”
- WLTF membership offers and opportunity to learn more about state library trends and services through publications from WLA, attendance at workshops and conferences, and a means of interaction with other trustees, advocates, and friends.
United For Libraries
- A division of the American Library Association.
- The United for Libraries Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations Mission: “The mission of United for Libraries is to support citizens who govern, promote, advocate, and fundraise for all types of libraries.”
- United for Libraries will continue to build on the work and success of both ALTA and FOLUSA by helping Trustees and Friends work together at the local, state, and national levels to effectively promote and advocate for libraries, encouraging the development of library Foundations, and engaging corporate supporters to unite and strengthen voices in support of libraries.
- The mission of United for Libraries is to support those who govern, promote, advocate, and fundraise for all types of libraries.
- “A Short History of United for Libraries”
- The Trustee Zone and United for Libraries provides training in webinars and guides for trustees.
- Courses to consider:
- Short Takes for Trustees is a series of 10 short videos (8-10 minutes) that can be shown during trustee meetings to stimulate discussion about the important role that trustees play in the governance of their libraries. Subscription required.
- Trustee Academy is a series of online courses to help trustees become proficient in their roles on behalf of their library. Requires registration.
- Courses to consider:
Library Law & Legal Information
- Chapter 43 of the Wisconsin Statutes
- Open Meetings Law – DPI website
- Wisconsin State Budget Process
- Wisconsin Legislator Briefing Book 2019-2020
- US Congressional delegation from Wisconsin
- Wisconsin Legislative & Congressional Directory
Trustee Essentials: A Handbook for Wisconsin Public Library Trustees
Prepared by the Division for Libraries and Technology with the assistance of the Wisconsin Public Library Trustee Handbook Revision Task Force, Trustee Essentials: A Handbook for Wisconsin Public Library Trustees outlines the “exciting, challenging, and rewarding” duties of Library Trustees and provides basic information needed to serve a library community.
- Trustee Essentials – DPI Website
- Trustee Essentials: A Handbook for Wisconsin Public Library Trustees
- Table of Contents- Trustee Essentials: A Handbook for Wisconsin Public Library Trustees
Wisconsin Library Trustee Essential Videos
A collection of videos for Wisconsin Public Library Trustees presenting each chapter of the Trustee Essentials Handbook.
Additional Information
Resources for trustees and boards
Serving on a library board is a terrific way to contribute to the library and the community. The role also comes with significant responsibilities, and many board members, also called trustees, will benefit from training. This compilation of related resources includes materials and handbooks from state libraries, webinars and articles from WebJunction, and tips from organizations, such as United for Libraries.
There are always some new and interesting developments in the Wisconsin Public Library world and in the purview of a library trustee. Trustee Tales is collection of articles about timely topics and noteworthy developments for a Trustee.
Trustee Tales is a collaboration of OWLS, NFLS, MCLS, WLS and WVLS library systems.