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It’s Time to Celebrate
The following information was taken from ALA's website on National Library Week. First sponsored in 1958, National Library Week is a national observance sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) and libraries across the country each April. It is a time to...

Outdoor Learning Webinar in April
Outdoor Learning at the Library: It’s Only Natural (webinar)Wednesday, April 17; 1 pmPresented by: Trina Evans, Branch AssistantSusan Bednarz, Assistant Reference LibrarianKokomo-Howard County Public LibraryKokomo, IN1 Contact Hour Studies show children benefit a...

New in Inclusive Services
1. Thank you to all who offered to join the new IDEA (Inclusive, Diversity, Equity and Access) Team! Our Team members are Laurie Ollhoff (Merrill), Sue Heskin (Superior), Jeanne Wolfe (Lac du Flambeau), Emilie Braunel (Sayner), Angie Bodzislaw (Spooner). We will be...

Ezra Jack Keats Mini-Grants Now Available
An EJK Mini-Grant program is a creative and innovative activity that takes place in class or out in the community, and provides an enriched experience. It's funded solely by the Ezra Jack Keats Foundation. It's an opportunity for a public school teacher or librarian...
Gale Courses Email and Social Media Share
(Submitted by Anne Hamland) The Gale Courses catalog includes courses perfect for job seekers or anyone looking to brush up on their workplace skills. Send the email below to local workforce centers such as: UW-Extension offices Job Center of Wisconsin offices County...

2019-2020 WVLS Innovation and Collaboration Literacy Grant
The Rib Lake Public Library and Tomahawk Public Library are the recipients of the 2019-2020 Innovation and Collaboration Literacy Grant. Join us in congratulating these libraries for their passion, imagination, and big dreams. Now wish them well as they roll up their...

Creativity and Arts Education Workshops Happening in April
The Creativity and Aging: Arts Education for Older Adults workshop is open to staff who work at a public library in Wisconsin. One person per library may register. The workshop will be offered twice; choose the session that works best for you: Thursday, April 4 9 am...

Wisconsin Author Project 2019
Finish the last touches on your novel. The 2019 Wisconsin Author Project will accept submissions April 1st through May 31st, 2019. Wisconsin residents who are authors of self-published adult or young adult fiction are invited to submit their work. One winner: Will...

Need Help Managing Your Email?
From Inbox to Completion: The Secrets to Successful WorkflowWednesday, March 27; 10 am1 contact hourIs your inbox overflowing? Is your work spilling onto every available surface? Do you want to get more stuff done in less time while looking effortless in the process?...

SSCS Conference Accepting Proposals
The WLA Support Staff and Circulation Services (SSCS) conference will be held Thursday, May 23, 2019 in Eau Claire. This one-day conference will be held on the Chippewa Valley Technical College campus in Eau Claire, and the theme will be “Help Yourself, Help Your...

Scholarship Opportunities for ARSL & WLA
In 2019, the Wisconsin Valley Library Service will offer four, $1,600 scholarships for directors or branch managers of a member public library to attend the Association of Rural and Small Libraries (ARSL) Conference. The conference will be held in Burlington,...

WLA Conference Accepting Program Proposals
The 2019 WLA Conference Committee invites you to share your experience and creativity with the Wisconsin library community at our annual conference, to be held on October 8-11, 2019, at the Kalahari Resort and Convention Center in the Wisconsin Dells. We are seeking...

Want to Talk About Youth Services?
Looking to exchange ideas in Youth Services? Wanting to talk to other colleagues about youth spaces? The next YSIE Youth Services Meetup is set for February 14th at the Loyal Public Library from 11-2 pm. Topics (in addition to topics brought by attendees) will cover...

ALA Youth Media Awards Announcements Set for Monday, January 28
Are you excited for this year's book awards? Below is a link to watch the Youth Media Awards this Monday, January 28th. I have also included articles discussing books that are getting major attention for the award categories. Award Season and Collection Development in...

Record-Setting Year for Digital Reading
It was a banner year in 2018 in digital reading as 43,000+ OverDrive library and school partners around the world circulated over 274 million ebook and audiobook checkouts. We’ve seen consistent record breaking circulation numbers every year for some time, but this...

32nd Annual Children’s Book Fest Scheduled for March 5 and 6
The Children's Book Fest will be held March 5 and 6 at the First Congregational United Church of Christ, 135 E. Larch St., Rhinelander, Wisconsin. The church is a block away from Rhinelander Senior High School. The Book Fest will not have books for sale on site. ...

Big Opportunity for Small Libraries
Are you … Always thinking about new ways to engage your community with your library’s services? A big-picture thinker who can also manage minute details and get people excited about long-term projects? Looking for an opportunity to reinvigorate your library space to...

WLA Library Legislative Day is on February 12
Register now for Library Legislative Day, scheduled for Tuesday, February 12, 2019 at the Madison Concourse Hotel. There are three ways to register: Register online Use the PDF registration form to mail or fax your reservation to the WLA Office at 608-245-3646. Scan...

What I Wish I Had Known: Reflections of a Public Library Director
What I Wish I Had Known: Reflections of a Public Library Director (webinar) Thursday, Jan. 31; 1 pm (30 minutes) Presented by: Teresa Miniatt, Director D.R. Moon Memorial Library (Stanley, WI) .5 Contact Hours Starting out in library management is a learning and...

ARSL Conference Accepting Program Proposals
ARSL 2019 Conference: Tap Into Libraries! - Presenter Proposal Application We invite you to submit breakout session proposals for the 2019 ARSL Conference in Burlington, VT, Sept 4-7, 2019. PRESENTER DISCOUNTS: ARSL will provide a $100 conference registration discount...