The WVLS Adult Services Summit was held on Thursday, November 1. The event was well-attended by librarians throughout WVLS who work in adult services. Below are some of the resources and ideas that evolved from the day.
Program Ideas
- Music in the Stacks (Merrill), after hours, local bands
- Easter Book Basket (Neillsville), donated books, toys from summer are gathered in baskets purchased at Goodwill/St. Vincent De Paul and library users make a donation and take for their families
- Murder Mystery
- Escape Rooms
- WI Science Festival Speaker, selected and paid for by WI Science Festival
- Step class (Dorchester), taught by board member!
- Designated Tech Time (MCPL)
- Wine Glass Painting and Sipping (Neillsville)
- Henna (Neillsville, Greenwood)
- FRIEND Speed Dating (MCPL)
- Series of Programs: writing, music, crafts (MCPL)
- Foraging for Edibles (MCPL)
- Therapy Dogs
- Leaf Flowers (Neillsville)
- Martial Arts Demonstrations and Safety (Neillsville)
- After Hours Apps (Neillsville), check out new materials right there while enjoying appetizers from local businesses after library hours
- Mark Moran, antique appraisals (MCPL)
- Poetry Open Mic (MCPL)
- WVLS Makerspace Kits (Neillsville MUGS!, MCPL)
- Costume Exchange (Neillsville)
- Penny Wars to purchase specific items (Antigo)… or maybe for donating to a cause?
- 6 Word Stories (MCPL)
- NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month (MCPL)
- Monthly Knitting (MCPL)
- Anime Club (MCPL, Antigo)
- Cansgiving (Colby), groups sign up to make sculptures out of canned goods for donation to local food pantries for Thanksgiving
- Wausau Paranormal Research Group
- Test Paranormal Equipment in library after hours!
- Chad Lewis, local paranormal author & speaker
- Astronomy for Everyone (Neillsville)
- Fairy Houses (MCPL)
- Succulent book planters (Neillsville, Abbotsford, Three Lakes, MCPL)

Summit Participants
- Don’t be afraid to ask “Do you know anyone who is an expert in _____?”
- Don’t be afraid to cold call or email groups or businesses: “Are you able to send anyone to speak at our library? Can you recommend a speaker?”
Partner Ideas
- Contact professional sport teams in Wisconsin for donations: Packers, Brewers, Woodchucks, etc.
- Humane Society, meet and greet with animals and promotion of Humane Society
- PBS point of view (POV) documentary series, libraries show for free!
- NetFlix, also free documentary series
- UW-Extension, contact your closest office to ask about speakers on topics
- UW Speakers Bureau, experts on all kinds of topics, 2 speakers for free!
- Historical Society
- CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) groups or Homesteader’s groups to teach sewing, butter making, other skills
- Wisconsin Humanities Council
- Martial Artists
- Staff or family talents! Library staff family members!
- Restaurants
- Red Cross
- Local nurseries/greenhouses
- Master Gardeners
- Food pantries
- Who is missing from the partner list? Make a partner inventory for your library. List who on the library team has a connection to each group.
- What types of programs are missing from the program idea list? Any literacy areas that programs should be provided for?
- #Libsocial for 20-30 somethings : Subscribe to the newsletter
- This is a newsletter sent out by the Indian Prairie Public Library in Darien, Ill. Look at all those free program ideas to steal or adapt for your community.
- Adulting 101 by Anne Ford, American Libraries Magazine, May 1, 2018.
- Wisconsin Health Literacy, information for free library program with a $200 stipend supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and National Institutes of Health (NIH).
-Submitted by Anne Hamland