WVLS and IFLS are partnering to share several tools with you this year based on the Libraries Transform campaign and toolkit for you to use right away or adapt to what you would like. Examples are: ready-made infographics, social media shares, table tent templates, #WisconsinLibrary ideas and more!

Use anything we send your way, but please include #WisconsinLibrary on all that you do. We urge you to tell your library stories with annual report information, patron stories, fun photos and more, but we want to unite our efforts by including #WisconsinLibrary.

Calling all librarians, please add #WisconsinLibrary to any social media post from here on out.

Reasons to use the happy hashtag #WisconsinLibrary

  • Our voices are louder when we sing together. Our library message will have more impact if we work together.
  • Help library users find out what is happening in libraries in their region.
  • Help get information outside of our usual, passionate library user fan-base.
  • Encourage discover-ability of your library and the library message for social media users.

How do you separate information specific to your library? Use a hashtag for your library! example: #mylibrary #loyallibrary

You will be able to search for all the posts specifically for #loyallibrary instead of scrolling through all the #mylibrary posts. Check to see if your desired hastag is already in use. Is it taken? Brainstorm a new hashtag.

I will also create social media shares that you can turn around and share. Super easy!

Examples of #WisconsinLibrary tools coming your way:

  • I will be reaching out to see if you would like to purchase bumper stickers. You could hand them out to your board or during National Library Week!
  • I will be sending a template for infographics for you to fill in your 2017 annual report data.
  • I will be creating social media shares for you to use at will. Super easy!
  • Everything will have #WisconsinLibrary on it somewhere!
Going to my #WisconsinLibrary bumpersticker 2018

Going to my #WisconsinLibrary bumpersticker 2018

I love my #WisconsinLibrary bumpersticker

I love my #WisconsinLibrary bumpersticker

#WisconsinLibrary oval bumperstickers

#WisconsinLibrary oval bumperstickers

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