So much of library work requires advocacy–for resources, for funding, for staff, for communities, and so much more, yet many of us feel ill-equipped or reluctant to take on this role. In this virtual workshop series, we will engage in interactive activities designed to help you find your voice, tame your inner critic, and overcome imposter syndrome.

*Sessions 1 and 2 will cover the same material, so please choose one or the other. Because space is limited, do not register for Sessions 1 or 2 unless you are committed to attend. They will not be recorded. 

Session 1: Wednesday, November 9, 2 p.m.
Register here.
Through the use of high-fun low-stakes games, scenarios, and break-out rooms, we will practice communicating with confidence, telling stories and distilling them into elevator pitches, connecting with various audiences, and encouraging buy-in. Full participation requires that a camera and mic be enabled. Sessions 1 and 2 will not be recorded and space is limited.

Session 2: Tuesday, November 15, 10 a.m.
Register here.
Same as Session 1, but a different date and time to accomodate more schedules.

Session 3: Wednesday, December 7, 10 a.m.
Register here.

This session will be a recap of earlier sessions, pulling together advocacy tips and strategies, with an opportunity to share experiences. This session will be recorded!

Jill Markgraf is Director of Libraries at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Delighted and energized by the intersection of work and play, she has been incorporating the empowering elements of improv into her work as an academic librarian, and has facilitated applied improv workshops for librarians regionally and nationally.

This webinar series is sponsored by WVLS, NWLS, IFLS and SWLS. 

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