Teen Tech Week is coming up. Let’s talk about how to get the word out and create interactive
passive programs, and how to get the word out to teens.

YALSA’s Teen Tech Week
The Young Adult Library Services Association’s (YALSA) Teen Tech Week is when libraries make
the time to showcase all of the great digital resources and services that are available to help
teens succeed in school and prepare for college and 21st century careers.

Celebrate the next Teen Tech Week with the theme, “Libraries are for Creating,” March 4-10,
2018. This year’s theme encourages teens to take advantage of all the great digital tools offered
through the library to become content creators, and to leverage library resources to share out
their creations, whether they be podcasts, videos, apps, games, wearable tech, or some other
fabulous invention or creation!

Get the word out about Teen Tech Week

  • Send information to your school librarians and teachers to pass along to students.
  • Make announcements at all programs leading up to Teen Tech Week.
  • Reach out to your local newspaper, radio stations, and closest Chamber of Commerce.
  • Post it all over your website and social media with the hashtags #TeenTechWeek and
    #WisconsinLibrary. Ask library users to share your events and post photos.
  • Use word of mouth at the circulation and reference desks.
  • Reach out to regular library users through email lists and conversations.
  • What else could you try?

Passive Activities
Teens would prefer not to talk to adults and librarians, right? Try programs that work with this
communication preference and empower them through discovery!

  • YALSA’s 25 Easy Tips for Teens: Looking for easy ways to get teens to celebrate Teen
    Tech Week? Share the following 25 ideas! HOW: Print out the 25 ideas individually and
    post them around your library and on your social media!
  • Makerspace kits or crafts: Set out WVLS/IFLS makerspace kits with basic instructions for
    a passive program! Teens might not want to talk to a librarian, that’s okay! Set out a kit
    and watch them explore!
  • Google Cardboard Virtual Reality Glasses and free app: are an easy way to provide
    passive programming for Virtual Reality. Buy a pair or two at $10 or less, set them out
    with, tell the teens to download the free Cardboard app and let them play!
  • Pokemon GO! App promotion: Promote your library as a location in the Pokemon GO!
    app craze with social media posts, flyers around your library, and communications to
    your school librarians. Is your library a PokeStop or Gym? Download the free app to
    check it out.
  • What other programs would you like to try?

– Submitted by Anne Hamland

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