Tune in to this free 60-minute webcast at 1 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday, November 1Don’t miss out! Register today.

Everyone is talking about fake news. People are more aware than ever that when they see a “news” story, they need to dig a lot deeper than the headline or sometimes even the article to decipher whether what they are reading is fact or speculation, opinion, or outright fiction.

In our role as curators, librarians have always been responsible for establishing the authority of information. But with social media’s ability to spread news articles—whether real or not—like wildfire, how can we help our users filter the real from the fake? How can we maintain our professional obligation to ensure equal access to information in a politically charged time when not all information is created equal?

In our next episode of American Libraries Live, you’ll have a chance to discuss these questions and more with our expert panel.

Joining us for this episode are:

  • Donald Barclay, deputy university librarian, University of California, Merced
  • Joanna M. Burkhardt, professor/librarian and collection development manager, University of Rhode Island
  • Nicole A. Cooke, assistant professor and MS/LIS program director, iSchool at Illinois

Tune in to this free 60-minute webcast at 1 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday, November 1Don’t miss out! Register today.

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