The first WVLS recorded presentation of 2021, “Top Tips for Online Presentations,” is available. You can view it here:

About this presentation: Online meetings and presentations came to the forefront in 2020, and they likely aren’t going away. But being a dynamic in-person presenter doesn’t necessarily mean that enthusiasm will translate to the virtual environment. When should you take questions from the audience? What should your visual components include? What about hand outs? In this WVLS recorded webinar, learn preparation tips and the five key components for you to give your best online presentation.

Presenter: Jamie Matczak is the Education Consultant for the Wisconsin Valley Library Service. In her 15 years as a library consultant, she has given over 50 presentations for organizations and conferences, with over 20 of those being online. As an educational programmer, she has moderated over 200 online presentations. She has led online courses for the iSchool at UW-Madison and Lakeland University.

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