On February 1, all Wisconsin public library directors will be sent an email regarding a Public Library Staff Compensation Survey.  This survey is part of a Library Services Technology Act-funded (LSTA) library staff compensation study coordinated by the System and Resource Library Administrators Association of Wisconsin (SRLAAW) and is being performed by Carlson Dettman Consulting.

Given the staffing challenges libraries throughout the state have been facing through the pandemic, a comprehensive response to this survey will provide a strong foundation of data and information that will help libraries recruit and retain staff to best meet the needs of their communities. Results of this study, anticipated to be completed in June 2023, will be shared with all Wisconsin libraries. Here is more information:

  • The survey will be sent to the email address of the Library Director on file with the DPI as of January 1, 2023, by the Qualtrics survey platform, so please do not discard. Library directors who have not received the survey by February 3 may reach out to .
  • The survey will ask for responses regarding position classifications that exist at your library and 2023 compensation information related to those classifications.
  • While completion of the survey can be delegated to another staff person other than the library director, please provide only one survey response per library. If a library has more than one location, please still only provide one response.
  • The survey will be open from February 1 through March 17 and should take most libraries around 20 minutes to complete.
  • Detailed instructions, including a video demonstration on how to fill out the survey, will be sent with the survey.

The survey will be open for 6 weeks, with a due date of March 17. Periodic reminders will be provided to those libraries that have not submitted a survey response.

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