1. Thank you to all who offered to join the new IDEA (Inclusive, Diversity, Equity and Access) Team! Our Team members are Laurie Ollhoff (Merrill), Sue Heskin (Superior), Jeanne Wolfe (Lac du Flambeau), Emilie Braunel (Sayner), Angie Bodzislaw (Spooner). We will be meeting in March to formally create a charge for our group and our annual goals. Stay tuned!

2. New from the ALA bookstore and getting alot of buzz: The Librarian’s Guide to Homelessness: An Empathy-Driven Approach to Solving Problems, Preventing Conflict, and Serving Everyone https://www.alastore.ala.org/content/librarians-guide-homelessness-empathy-driven-approach-solving-problems-preventing-conflict 

We will be adding this book to the NWLS Professional Collection for you to check out!


3. Also from ALA, this collection of resources to help with drag queen story hour events: http://www.ala.org/advocacy/libraries-respond-drag-queen-story-hour Many libraries across the country have been hosting or participating in Drag Queen Story Hours and a few have experienced push back from some members of their community. 

4. DPI Blog post on Award-winning Translated Books for Kids: https://bit.ly/2SUqSG9 These award-winning titles offer many ways to explore how humans are the same, and different, all over the globe.


5. Successful Sip ‘n’ Swipe program in Bridges Library System: Seven libraries in their system have had great success with a free program for older adults that teaches them how to use tablet technology. 

It is a free program from Generations Online. For more information:
6. Articles: Library Systems Embracing Their New Roles As Social Service Hubs https://nextcity.org/daily/entry/library-systems-embracing-their-new-roles-as-social-service-hubs 

Sherry Machones
Director – Northern Waters Library Service

Inclusive Services Consultant for NWLS and WVLS

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