The Libraries Transform Book Pick is a popular digital reading program that connects readers nationwide by offering free access to the same ebook through public libraries.
All public libraries in the U.S. currently participating in OverDrive will be ready to lend unlimited copies of the ebook to borrowers during the reading period September 14-28, 2020, which makes it a great pick for your book club. This is a great way to promote the digital collection.
What are we reading?  
Book of the Little Axe by Lauren Francis-Sharma
Published by Atlantic Monthly Press, an imprint of Grove Atlantic
Available for download September 14-28

“We chose Book of the Little Axe by Lauren Francis-Sharma because it is a strikingly original and richly compelling historical novel which illuminates the roots of America’s dire systemic racism. Francis-Sharma’s profoundly relevant saga will surely inspire meaningful discussions. Book of the Little Axe is also exquisitely well-written, and features a strong and fascinating woman protagonist.”

— Donna Seaman, Editor, Adult Books, Booklist

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