Except for the shelves of books, today’s libraries would be mostly unrecognizable to the patrons of 30 years ago. One of the challenges for libraries is finding effective ways to promote what they do, and developing a comprehensive marketing plan is an excellent starting point. A marketing plan provides focus to a library’s marketing efforts and ensures that limited resources are used effectively and efficiently. It helps keep you and your staff focused on the big picture of what you do—your vision and mission—and saves you time promoting individual events or projects. The marketing plan is the guide that provides order to your messaging and efforts.

A state-wide public library system marketing cohort has drafted a marketing plan template that any library of any size can model and adapt. Based on Kathy Dempsey’s “Cycle of True Marketing,” Jamie Matczak and Mark Ibach will walk through the marketing plan template that has been developed, answer questions, and seek feedback before the plan is officially presented to Wisconsin libraries.

Join us at 1 p.m. on Thursday, February 13, for “An Introduction to Creating a Library Marketing Plan.” This webinar will share:

  • A customizable marketing framework that can be adapted to suit a library’s unique needs and community
  • Sample marketing plan, budget, and calendar guides
  •  Links to resources that expand on the information presented

Register for the webinar at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3954141086005778433. It will also be recorded and posted.

For more information on this webinar or the marketing plan template, contact WVLS Education Consultant Jamie Matczak at  or 920-455-0668.

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