The Wisconsin DPI Public Library Development Team is proud to announce the inaugural Inclusive Services Institute.

The Inclusive Services Institutes is a professional development and workgroup opportunity for Wisconsin public library and regional system staff who are committed to making Wisconsin libraries more inclusive to all community members and potential library users. The Institute will offer reflective learning experiences on topics of equity and social justice. Participants will work on small teams to develop tools for a new statewide resource.

2018 Inclusive Services Institute
March 12-14, 2018 and August 12-14, 2018
Madison, Wisconsin

The Inclusive Services Institute is limited to 16 participants in order to facilitate an effective, intimate, and focused experience. Face-to-face interaction in a small group setting is considered an important element of the Institute and the basis for future networking and professional participation, online and in-person.

Applications are due by Tuesday, February 6, 2018 through the online application process. Sixteen applicants will be selected, preferably representing all 16 public library systems. If necessary, a waiting list will be maintained. All applicants will be notified by mid-February.

For more information, contact Tessa Michaelson Schmidt (608) 267-5077.

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