Digital equity has become an urgent issue as schools provide more and more of their students with mobile devices to take home, while 20% of Wisconsin households do not have access to the internet.  For many children and adults, the public library is the only source of internet access.

The Internet Discount Finder, created by the Wisconsin Public Services Commission, can help low-income households find discounted internet service.  Discounts are as deep as 80%.

Schools and public libraries can play a critical role in promoting the Internet Discount Finder, to help all of their students and library users get internet access at home.|

You are invited to join a DPI call-in session on Bridging the Homework Gap: Helping Low-Income Families Get Affordable Internet Access.  We will explain the Internet Discount Finder (which we encourage you to try out in advance), and offer ideas about how to promote it in your schools or libraries.

Note—the The Internet Discount Finder not just for households with students.  It is designed to help *all* Wisconsin families and residences get internet access.

Call in at 1-877-820-7831, passcode 647831.

Session dates
Thursday, July 26, 11:00 – 12:00
Thursday, August 2, 1:00 – 2:00

Review the presentation

Submit an idea or question before or during the presentation.

Tessa Michaelson Schmidt
Public Library Youth and Inclusive Services Consultant
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

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