Have you looked into the Wisconsin Author Project? Interested in serving on the committee to select the winner? Read on!
Wisconsin libraries are helping local authors get the recognition they deserve for writing great books. This year’s contest kicks off on April 1, 2018, and submissions will be accepted through June 30, 2018.
The winners of this contest will receive:
  • $1,000 cash prize donated by BiblioBoard
  • A write-up in the December print issue of Library Journal
  • Honors at ALA Midwinter 2019 THRIVE Reception in Seattle
  • Opportunities to promote your book(s) at Wisconsin Public Libraries
  • A Library Journal Digital Review (Winner + Runner Up)
  • Invitation to speak at the Wisconsin Library Association Annual Conference in October (Winner + Runner Up)
Each book that is submitted to the contest must be:
  • Self-published
  • In an adult fiction or young adult fiction genre
  • Written by a Wisconsin resident
  • Available in either ePUB or PDF file
Interested in serving on the committee to select the winner?
WLA is looking to create a committee with 5-7 members to handle the judging of the contest. The committee members do not have to be current members of either the Children’s or Literary Awards Committees. They do, however, need to be current members of WLA and either YSS or READs as the scope of the contest will be both YA and Adult books.
WLA is looking for 2-4 more volunteers to serve on the committee for this inaugural award. If you are interested, please reply directly to Jean Anderson or Marge Loch-Wouters by April 30.

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