The AASL/ALSC/YALSA Interdivisional Committee on School/Public Library Cooperation (SPLC) is pleased to announce the publication of the Public Library & School Library Collaboration Toolkit. This toolkit is the result of a three-year collaborative effort with members of AASL, ALSC and YALSA. It is a collection of information, research, and examples that will help facilitate and incorporate collaborative initiatives between public and school libraries.

The Public Library & School Library Collaboration Toolkit is organized into five chapters, and includes helpful links for additional examples or information.

“Getting Started” provides tips for identifying potential partners for collaboration, as well as suggestions for initial partnerships and etiquette tips. Even without specific projects in mind, this chapter outlines communication strategies that help to establish relationships with collaborators both within and outside of your library space.

Read more about this tool kit on the blog post by Shannon Harris. 

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