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LEANWI Technology Service Information

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Place procurement requests for computers, laptops, monitors, monitor stands, barcode scanners, receipt printers…


Tech questions or issues? Send in a help ticket.



The place to find important links and resources.

Tech Tips

Technology Tips for everyone

Technology Budgeting Resources

LEANWI/Libraries Win Services

WVLS, IFLS, and NWLS tech teams have combined their teams’ expertise to provide an excellent service package known as LEANWI/Libraries Win. These services are provided at no extra cost above standard member dues.

Please contact the Help Desk at  with any questions related to services or budget planning.

  • One help desk ticket platform for three systems
  • Email and Office 365 productivity licensing
  • Technology consultation
  • Network support: Routers, Switches
  • Website design and hosting (also includes WRLS member libraries)
  • Deep Freeze for public computers
  • Princh print management (bring-your-own-device and public PC)
  • Pharos public computer timing software

WVLS Consultation

Technology planning and consultation, including budget planning, is a valuable part of your library’s Library System Membership Benefits.

WVLS provides technology procurement for staff and public PCs. Our technology team helps you manage your library’s computer 5-year replacement plan and plan for equipment budgeting. Please contact  with any questions related to services or budget planning.

Technology Strategic Plan

LEANWI Information Technology Strategy 2025-2029

This strategy guide is intended to be a multi-purpose reference. It supports the annually updated Wisconsin Valley Library Service system plan, prescribing mechanisms to meet the goals expressed in that document which imply or expressly demand the need for information technology support. It is also a guide for Information Technology department members, presenting a clear picture of the system’s immediate and long-term goals and identifying the means by which to achieve them.

WVLS Technology Initiatives

Technology Procurement Request

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