Following is the latest request for participation from the Public Library System Redesign (PLSR) Steering Committee.

A key stakeholder group in the PLSR process is the public libraries themselves. Please submit your name for consideration before December 1st, 2017.

In order to gather information from the library perspective, the Steering Committee is asking for public library directors to participate in focus groups that will be held in early January. The purpose of these focus groups will be to hear what directors think about system services, governance, regional connections, local control, and other topics.

The focus group process, including selection of participants, will be completed by Russell Consulting. To help with creating focus groups that represent libraries of different sizes, from different locations, and with directors with varying degrees of experience, they are asking that interested library directors complete this selection form.

It is important to note that the responses will not eliminate someone from consideration, but will provide information to help create focus groups with differing perspectives.

This is a vital piece of information gathering for the Steering Committee. You are strongly encouraged to submit your name for consideration. 

Following the sessions, Russell Consulting will work with the PLSR Steering Committee to develop a survey based on the results of the focus groups that will be sent out to various stakeholders. The specific stakeholders are still to be determined by the Steering Committee.

In order to be part of the focus group pool, the form must be completed by December 1st. Participants will be informed on December 7th whether they have been selected or not. Those selected will be informed the focus group date and location for which they’ve been selected and will need to confirm acceptance by December 13th.

Thank you,
PLSR Steering Committee

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