Searching for American Indian Studies resources in your youth services department or classroom?

Take a look at Wisconsin First Nations.

This website provides authentic and accurate PK-12 resources that enhance young readers’ understanding of Wisconsin Native cultures and communities.

While developed for teachers, many of the materials are transferrable to a public library setting. It is hoped you will find this site useful for your own understanding of Wisconsin Native cultures and communities, as well as for sharing information with the public.

The website addresses current academic standards and provides teacher professional learning resources, including a Frequently Asked Questions section for answering hard-to-ask questions students may have about Native cultures, and exemplary videos featuring Wisconsin teachers modeling how to incorporate American Indian Studies into students’ everyday learning.

Wisconsin First Nations assists educators in fulfilling Wisconsin Education Act 31, the statutory requirement that all school districts provide instruction in the history, culture and tribal sovereignty of the American Indian nations in the state.

This resource was developed by the Wisconsin Act 31 Coalition Partners, a network of organizations in Wisconsin dedicated to the development of resources and implementation of Wisconsin Education Act 31. The partners include: Wisconsin Public Television (WPT) Education, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, the Wisconsin Indian Education Association, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Education, the Wisconsin Historical Society, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay First Nation Studies, and the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission.

Submitted by Kris Adams Wendt.

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