Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood’s (CCFC) mission is to support parents’ efforts to raise healthy families by limiting commercial access to children and ending the exploitative practice of child-targeted marketing. In working for the rights of children to grow up – and the freedom for parents to raise them – without being underminded by corporate interests, CCFC promotes a more democratic and sustainable world. Learn more about CCFC.

CCFC and the American Academy of Pediatrics want you to know that taking a break from entertainment screen media can help you launch healthy media habits for the rest of the year! Create your own Screen Free Week.

7 Parent-Tested Tips to Unplug and Play. Changing children’s screen habits can be a challenge for both kids and parents. That’s why we created “7 Parent Tested Tips to Unplug and Play,” that outlines strategies for getting young kids to spend less time with screens from real parents who have done it and notices a world of difference.

Healthy Kids in a Digital World Brochure. Want the children in your life to spend more time playing and less time with screens? CCFC’s great new handout is for you. Clear, concise, and evidence-based, our Healthy Kids in a Digital World brochure is packed with tips, facts, and screen-free activities – and it’s free!

Photo credit: CCFC Facebook accessed 5/17/2017.

Submitted by Kris Adams Wendt.

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