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2024 WVLS Marketing Support Grant

Marketing GrantThe 2024 WVLS Marketing Support Grant is a pilot project and opportunity for WVLS libraries to evaluate their marketing goals and to work toward a library marketing plan or marketing campaign in 2024. Libraries that participate in the pilot will receive $250-500 in funds to support their marketing plan or campaign.

One of the challenges for public libraries is finding effective ways to promote what they do, and focusing on a specific marketing campaign or creating a marketing plan are great places to start. 

A marketing plan is a document that defines marketing strategies to reach a targeted audience. Marketing campaigns are sets of strategic activities that promote a specific marketing goal. A marketing campaign could be used to promote a product, a service, or the library as a whole. Libraries that participate in the pilot will receive $250-500 in funds to support their marketing plan or campaign.

December 19, 2023

February 9, 2024

Work for February

March 2024

  • Libraries should continue to track diaries and market events.

April 2024

  • Marketing plans

2024 WVLS Marketing Support Grant Timeline

November 13 – December 12, 2023: Application Open
Tuesday, December 12, 2023: Application Closes
Friday, December 15, 2023: Applicants Notified of Status
Tuesday, December 19, 2023, 10 am:
Virtual meeting of grant recipients 
January 2024: Assignments established
February 2024: Virtual Meeting of grant recipients
April, June, August, October 2024: Individual Check-ins with WVLS
Friday, November 1, 2024: Project Wrap Up, Grant funds expended

*Because this is a pilot project, WVLS reserves the right to adjust the dates and timeline.

Additional Materials 

Grant Application

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