The Wisconsin Valley Library Service (WVLS) is awarding scholarships to public and K-12 school library staff to attend the 2024 Wisconsin Educational Media and Technology Association (WEMTA) Conference at the
Wisconsin Dells’ Kalahari Resort and Convention Center on March 3-5, 2024. More details about the conference can be found here:

Scholarship Details
The WVLS WEMTA Conference Scholarship is valued at $1,000. This scholarship may be used for the following:
● Conference registration
● 1-year WEMTA membership (included with conference registration)
● Mileage reimbursement
● 2 nights of conference lodging

Eligibility and Requirements
● Applicant must currently work at a WVLS area public or K-12 school library.
● Applicant must have one year of experience working in a public library or K-12 school library.
● Applicant is expected to make their own conference arrangements.
● Conference recipients are expected to share their conference experience and knowledge gained with
library colleagues via a written report submitted to WVLS within 30 days of the conference (a form will
be provided).

To be eligible, the completed application must be emailed to Jamie Matczak at by the end of the day on Friday, January 5, 2024.

Download an application.

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