The following message was sent by Jeff Kersten, Agency Liaison for the Division of Trade & Consumer Protection.

Dear Wisconsin Librarian,

Consumer Scams and Identity Theft are at an all-time high and criminals are always changing tactics. Our role at the Bureau of Consumer Protection is to share what we know about these challenges and help people of all walks of life protect themselves.

Some of you have worked with us before and others may be learning about our agency today.  The Bureau of Consumer Protection handles over 100,000 consumer inquiries every year into a variety of issues such as Telemarketing, Landlord/Tenant concerns, Identity Theft, Home Improvement contracts and many more.

Outreach Specialists Jeff Kersten and Ben Merens share this information anywhere in the state, both physically and virtually, to help keep your communities informed. Our presentations are free; generally last under an hour; come with PowerPoints; and include handouts for attendees.

A sampling of our consumer presentations your patrons can benefit from include:

  • Identity Theft – Learn about what is and how to protect one’s identity we also offer recovery services for those already victimized.
  • Consumer scams – Learn about the many ways criminals use scams to victimize consumers and how to avoid them.
  • Landlord-Tenant – Many Wisconsin residents live in rental housing. As a landlord or tenant in Wisconsin, it is important to understand your rights and responsibilities under Wisconsin Law.
  • Consumer Protection for Young Adults – A mix of Identity Theft, Landlord/Tenant, and Motor Vehicle Repair Contracts specifically designed for High School and College students.

We would love to the opportunity to collaborate with your library to share our message and keep your patrons protected.  A full listing of our presentation offerings can be found in the attached document.

To schedule a presentation, please email or call:
Ben Merens (SE Wisconsin presentations) at  or (414) 391-8082.
Jeff Kersten (Statewide presentations) at  or (608) 250-0922.

Thank you for your time and we hope to hear from you soon,

Jeff Kersten
Ben Merens

Jeff Kersten
Agency Liaison
Division of Trade & Consumer Protection
Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP)

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