We have posted our third recorded webinar of 2020! View it here. 
Virtual programming in the library has become the norm in 2020. Marge will share some tips, tricks and resources to help you up your programming game.

This webinar will explore:
•  tips on purposeful virtual program planning
•  realistic expectations on what success means in the time of COVID
•  suggestions for content and marketing options 
• online presentation strategies for virtual programs
Survey: https://forms.gle/tiFZzjMHoZPSLmre7
Resources: https://wvls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Upping-Your-Virtual-Programming-Game-Resources.pdf
Slides: https://wvls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Upping-Your-Virtual-programming-Game.pdf
Activity Sheet:
Marge Loch-Wouters is a consultant and educator focusing on youth services, leadership and innovative approaches to library services. She is currently working as Youth Services Consultant for the Southwest Wisconsin Library System. In addition, she volunteers as the administrator and one of the writers for the Wisconsin Library Association Youth Services Shout-out blog.

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