Are you excited for this year’s book awards? Below is a link to watch the Youth Media Awards this Monday, January 28th. I have also included articles discussing books that are getting major attention for the award categories.

Award Season and Collection Development in the New Year
Just as you make personal resolutions, consider making professional resolutions as well. Take time to evaluate your collection development practices and collection gaps every year. The annual Youth Media Awards is a perfect tool to assist you with both.
Listening to colleagues have professional discussions of literature is good practice to brush up on book talk skills, purchasing and collection evaluation practices. Challenge yourself to watch the Youth Media Awards live or as a recording. You can watch in five minute increments if your schedule will cannot accommodate hour-long webinars or live streaming.
What small and smart changes can you make to increase your skills as you evaluate each book in your collection or every purchase in 2019? Let’s make 2019 the year you refresh your skills and collection!

See the YSS Blog Post, and connect to the broadcast here. 

-Submitted by Anne Hamland

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