The following information was posted on the YSS Blog, Youth Services Shout-Out, on November 26, 2018

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Ð Region 4 annually offers grants of up to $2,000 to Midwest area Public Libraries (including WI).

The “Science Kits for Public Libraries(SKPL)” grant is focused on the development of circulating math and science kit collections and is intended for pre-university students (K-12). The purpose of the SKPL project is to provide hands on, self-directed educational opportunities in math and science to pre-university students by supporting Chicago area Public Libraries especially in the development of circulating collections of Science Kits.  Submissions opened in November.  Deadline is January 19, 2019.

Grant Criteria

  • The applicant must be a Public Library.
  • The Grant request is for no more than $2000.
  • The Grant is restricted to public libraries whose service area is at least partly in the territory of the IEEE-Region 4. Go to the map.
  • The grant provides funding to establish a circulating science kit collections program.
  • Libraries that already have a circulating science kits collection program are not eligible for this grant.

Libraries awarded funding are expected to:

  • Create or purchase science kits each of which consists of equipment, instructions for prepared experiments, and workbooks.
  • Include the science kit in their circulating collection.
  • Add materials (books, DVDs, etc.) to the circulating collection which support the topics featured in the kits.
  • Develop programming for pre-university students (K-12) which promotes the study of science and the use of the science kits.
  • Plan for sustaining the project after grant funding is concluded.
  • Plan for other public libraries to replicate the results and for teaching best practices to others.
  • Cooperate with IEEE on publicity and promotion of the project.
  • Tag the science kits stating that funding is provided by the IEEE Ð Region 4

Visit here for application forms, grant guidelines and to learn about the successes of past grant recipients. 


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