1. What was the title of a session you attended?
    Advocacy Tool Box for Friends and Trustees (Thursday 11 AM), a panel with Bill Wilson, Kathy Pletcher and Shannon Schultz.
  2. What two things are you taking away that you heard or do you think are most important?
    Libraries seeking to build community relationships for future improvements need to do “friendraising” before “fundraising.” Potential allies “don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

3.  Were there any key websites the presenter shared or things people should check out?

Shannon shared the link to Tools and Resources for Public Library Directors and Board Members, which contains a comprehensive array of tools.  Trustee Essential #24 is specifically about Library Friends and Library Foundations.

  1. What was the audience reaction to this session? What kinds of feedback was given?
    There was lively discussion on a variety of related topics.  Audience members shared their own experiences and tips in response to other members’ questions.

Submitted by: Kris Adams Wendt

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