From Inbox to Completion: The Secrets to Successful Workflow
Wednesday, March 27; 10 am
1 contact hour

Is your inbox overflowing? Is your work spilling onto every available surface? Do you want to get more stuff done in less time while looking effortless in the process? In this energizing class, you will learn the best practices for workflow management based on an internationally recognized system. This includes discovering:
• The definitive five phases of workflow
• The key questions to ask about any item on your physical or virtual desk
• The role of functional folders for later action or reference
• The importance of a weekly review


Overcoming the Email Avalanche: Three Steps to An Empty Inbox
Wednesday, March 20; 10 am
1 contact hour

Huge volumes of email are a fact of office life, yet it threatens to overwhelm our work. Is there a way to get email under control short of mass deleting your entire inbox? Yes there is! In this fun and engaging program, participants will learn how to:
• Clear out inbox backlog, no matter how large
• Identify different types of actionable email and respond accordingly
• Create an efficient organizational structure to their email client
• Reliably locate archived email
• Celebrate the joys of an empty inbox!





About the presenter: Doug Crane has been a librarian for over twenty years. He currently serves as Director of the Palm Beach County Library System.  He believes that librarians should be on the forefront of using and teaching productivity tools and tricks to help the public manage their information more effectively. 

These webinars are being coordinated by the South Central Library System and also sponsored by NEWI, SWLS, IFLS, NWLS and WRLS. 

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